4 Tips for a Better Beer Festival
By – Ben from Better On Draft
Beer festivals are wonderful adventures for the rookie beer drinker, craft beer connoisseur and everyone in between.
Here’s how to be ready.
1 – Make A Plan
A plan is key, especially if youre traveling with a group. Check the weather forecast and if the festival is indoors, outdoors, or a combination. Dress for success layered clothing and comfortable shoes. When it comes to getting to and from, grab a ride via a RideShare app, carpool or, better yet, have a designated driver. Meeting spots and rain plans will come in handy if you get separated.
2 – Think Water & Food
With all of the delicious beers that you will be tasting, remember to hydrate and eat. A great way to bring your own snacks is to make an infamous pretzel necklace to snack on. If your pretzel necklace runs out or you are looking for more sustenance, find the designated tent for food and drinks.
3 – Do Your Beer Homework
Look over the festivals website and social media at least one week prior. See which breweries are going. Find the beer list and start prioritizing. Check if the festival will be using tokens or tickets. Be mindful of the season. Fall and winter festivals will usually have darker beers with higher ABVs, while spring and summer festivals will have lighter beer options.
4 – Dont Worry About FOMO
There are going to be lines of peo-ple who are just as passionate about craft beer as you. Most importantly, there are going to be WAY more beers than you can try. Take a deep breath and let out all the FOMO. Focus on having fun. Step out of your comfort zone and try a new style or brewery or BOTH!